Nata nel 1996 a Cuba, il percorso artistico di Alejandra Glez è iniziato come artista autodidatta. Ha intrapreso il suo percorso artistico senza una formazione formale, affidandosi al suo talento innato e alla sua curiosità. I suoi studi l'hanno portata a Madrid, in Spagna, dove ha continuato ad affinare la sua arte. Crescendo, ha esplorato varie forme di espressione artistica e ha scoperto la sua passione per sfidare gli stereotipi associati al corpo femminile.
Il lavoro di Alejandra è una testimonianza del suo impegno nel rompere le norme sociali. Trae ispirazione dalle religioni afro-caraibiche, esplorando temi di spiritualità, memoria collettiva e il profondo legame tra gli esseri umani e il mare. Nella sua pratica artistica, impiega una varietà di mezzi e tecniche.
2023 "Daughter" Tel-Aviv, Israele. "Ritual Prayers and Altars". Performance al Museum of History and CultureAfro-Brazilian, a cura di David Barro. Rio de Janeiro, Brasile. "Reborn". Performance al museo nazionale Thyssen-Bornemisza, come parte del ciclo di performance "Visión y Presencia". A cura di Semíramis González. Madrid, Spagna. 2021 Recover the Body, ciclo The Present is | Woman. Mostra virtuale. Curatrice: Samara Pascual Migale. El ParaVirtual, Virtual Cultural Center. The Journey Traveled: Works by Alejandra Glez 2018 A cura di Semiramis González. Aurora Vigil-Escalera, Madrid, Spagna.
2023 Finalist exhibition for the 12th edition of the International Biennial of Contemporary Photography Pilar Citoler from the University of Córdoba. Preview, Collective exhibition. Belard Gallery. Portugal Lisbon Art Miami 2023. Aurora Vigil Gallery Stand – Escalera. USA, Miami. Women between utopia and dystopia. Curated by Concha Fontela San Juan. Havana Factory. Havana Cuba. Estampa 2023. Aurora Vigil-Escalera Gallery Stand. Madrid, Spain. Women at Work, Curated by Daniella Rangel and Ed Steinberg. Cuban Gallery Fine Arts. New York, USA. Mare Terra, Collective exhibition of the Embarrat festival. Trepat Museum. Tarrega, Spain. 2022 Salamander collective exhibition. Miami, USA. Collective exhibition of Digital Synthesis. Madrid Spain Meaning processes. Group exhibition at the end of Master PHotoEspaña at the Alcobendas Arts Center, Madrid, Spain Dissidence of the body. Curated by Patricia Kasaeva. Haba Gallery Gallery. Barcelona, Spain Beautiful and Tasty. Curated by Nancy Mookiena. Nina Menocal Gallery. Mexico City, Mexico Feminine Object. Curated by Sara Zaldívar. Lola Garage Space. Madrid Spain ARCOmadrid 2022. ENAIRE Foundation Stand, Photography Award 2021 Laguna Art in Mauritius. Curated by Caudan Arts Center Lakaz de Art. Mauricio Arte Laguna Prize – Final Exhibition Venice 2020.2021. Curated by Igor Zanti and Matteo Galbiati. Venice Italy Long live Devolution. Curated by Patricia González Kasaeva. Exposure organized by HabaGallery in the creative space Utopia 126. Barcelona, Spain JustMAD 2021. Palacio Neptuno contemporary art fair, Madrid, Spain A Radical Feminist Sheet Music. Curated by Semiramis González and Paula Seoane. MIA Art Collection virtual exhibition. PHotoEspaña 2021 Exhibition, together with JUSTMAD and the Photography Award Young ENAIRE Foundation. Royal Botanical Garden of Madrid, Spain Artists in action II. Curated by Concha Fontenla. Virtual exhibition at Galería Factoría Habana, Havana, Cuba 2020 Deformes 2020. First International Performance Triennial organized by virtually, Valparaíso, Chile Endurance. Curated by Maylín Pérez Parrado. Virtual exhibition with several Latin American artists organized by the Photo Library of Panama Living Away Fest. Virtual Festival, New York, United States Listen to me! Group exhibition of Cuban artists at the Da2 Museum, in collaboration with the Luciano Méndez Collection, Salamanca, Spain Isolation. Virtual exhibition of several Cuban artists in collaboration with Art Code Space Image/Imaginaries. Curated by Jorge Peré. Virtual exhibition of the Taller Gorría Gallery in collaboration with Tunturuntú and Fonoma Cuba, Havana, Cuba Pixan Vol. II. Casa Pixan, Mexico City, Mexico The art of not being silent. Curated by Jorge Peré. Taller Gorría Gallery, Havana, Cuba From the prejudice of truths. Cuban Art Factory, Havana, Cuba Diverse Virtual. Exhibited on the official website of the Spanish Cooperation Training Center and in collaboration with La Fanzine, Antigua, Guatemala IV online call. Virtual exhibition organized by Lumina Gallery Quarantine. Virtual exhibition organized by Building Bridges Art Exchange I Ibero-American Festival of Video Art and Animation “Zero Violence against Women”. Virtual exhibition at the Women's Museum, Costa Rica Post-it 7. Exhibition at Galiano Gallery, Havana, Cuba 2019 A round-trip. Luciano Méndez Collection. DA2 Museum, Salamanca, Spain Puzzle. Curated by Jorge Peré. Taller Gorría Gallery, Havana, Cuba Image and likeness. Cuban Art Factory, Havana, Cuba Behind the wall. XIII Havana Biennial, Havana, Cuba The Open-Studio Platform. XIII Havana Biennial, Havana, Cuba Of present body. Photographic exhibition. La Nave Gallery, Havana, Cuba JustLX. Lisbon Contemporary Art Fair, Lisbon, Portugal 2018 Night backs. La Acacia Gallery, Havana, Cuba What does an anarcho-feminist want? Cuban Art Factory, Havana, Cuba It's me. El Artista Gallery, Havana, Cuba Postures and impostures. Cuban Art Factory, Havana, Cuba JustMAD 2018. Contemporary art fair, Madrid, Spain JustLX. Lisbon Contemporary Art Fair, Lisbon, Portugal Art Madrid. Contemporary art fair, Madrid, Spain 2016 Opening. Strawberry and Chocolate Cultural Space, Havana, Cuba 2015 Drills. XII Havana Biennial. Cuban Art Factory, Havana, Cuba Art Biennial. Havana School of Creative Photography, Havana, Cuba 2014 Young Route. Plaza Vieja, Havana, Cuba Extraordinary landscapes. Gallery of the Havana School of Photography, Havana, Cuba
Collezione Luciano Méndez (Spagna) Collezione Aurora Vigil-Escalera (Spagna) Collezione Madelaine P. Plonsker (USA) Collezione Yves Winkin (Belgio) Collezione EWA (Stati Uniti) Collezione Steven Certilman (USA) Collezione Antonio Beirão de Veiga (Portogallo) Collezione Gil Shavit (Israele - Perù) Collezione Robert Duncan (USA)
2021 Vincitrice del IV Young Photography Award Foundation ENAIRE 2020 Partecipazione speciale alla Women's Biennial con la mostra "Essere donna è un crimine?" presso la Galleria Aurora Vigil-Escalera, Gijón, Spagna Premio speciale al Premio Arte Laguna con l'opera "Risate e lacrime", Giardine Arsenale, Venezia, Italia 2017 Borsa di studio assegnata dall'Ambasciata di Norvegia a Cuba per il progetto fotografico per bambini, L'Avana, Cuba