TOMASZ KUCHARSKI at Méridien Hotel
One year after its summer exhibition at Miami Plage of Montecarlo and winter expositions in Miami, including one at the prestigious Delano Hotel, the Milanese contemporary gallery and artist’s residency Espinasse31lands at the Meridien Hotel of Montecarlo presenting a solo exhibition of the Polish artist Tomasz Kucharski from June 4 to October 1st.
Tomasz Kucharski -engineer and self-taught painter lives and works in Poland, near Warsaw.
The main subject of his work is portrait - the image of women and men transformed by his imagination. Sometimes it is presented in a very abstract way, sometimes more realistic, but always with a hint of reflection and irony.
“I think that the capacity of the word "portrait" in my painting is very broad.
The main series of portraits, which I have been carrying out for almost 8 years, are "Officers". These are the performances of soldiers of various armies, not necessarily existing in reality, but rather are creations of my imagination. The paintings reflect my interests in the army, uniforms and military and new series of "Officers" are still coming. Other areas of my painting interests are still life and abstract art. I use both oil and acrylic techniques. I like to put processed ready-made elements on the pictures, collage and photography. I am still trying to introduce new techniques and methods of painting to my work. All this gives me the joy of painting - because that's how I understand my passion.”
The works of Tomasz are inspired from the great painters of the beginning of the XXth Century adding his personal contemporary interpretation, making his paintings unique.