23 de mayo | 15 de septiembre de 2024
Alex Korolkovás
Espinasse31 Contemporary Art Gallery is excited to unveil its newest exhibition for the upcoming summertime months.
“Summertime Soirée” aims to transport its audience to an exhibition that feels fresh, exploring the fusion of distinct mediums and techniques. This meticulously curated exhibition showcases how a variety of artistic approaches can emulate the incredible feeling that summer evokes in us— vibrant energy, adventure, and nostalgic bliss.
Leele was a versatile artist whose conception of art was characterized by freedom, constantly seeking new challenges through a multidisciplinary approach. Her artistic endeavors encompassed various disciplines such as photography, painting, drawing, sculpture, writing, and poetry. Rejecting the confinement of a singular style, Leele embraced her own identity as an artist, fearlessly combining these diverse artistic activities. Her most famous works consist of black and white photographs, which she skilfully colored with watercolors, creating dreamlike realities. With her sensitive vision, she crafted captivating images brimming with chromatic richness, while simultaneously narrating stories.
Korolkovas is characterized by his trademark work of sexually provocative photography, especially in connection with fashion. He has won several awards and recognition over the years, having participated in several international art fairs, as well as group and solo exhibitions around the world. His work is characterized by a fashion-informed approach to nudes and provocative fine art. He continues to create and collaborate, remaining open to new ideas and seeking out inspiration from places that others might disregard.
Silvestre has led a remarkable artistic journey since earning his architecture degree in 2004. Blending imagination and poetry, he is acclaimed for his sculptures, designs, and architectural work, earning awards like the Targa d’oro. His recent sold-out exhibit at Art Miami and solo show in Milan's Zaha Hadid-designed City Life building showcase his talent. Silvestre's art, a blend of materials and emotion, invites viewers to reflect on human complexity and the importance of our surroundings.
Constructing stories that seem to want to tell themselves and inviting viewers to let the wall look at them rather than us at the wall is also a part of Grahovsky’s artistic philosophy. His pieces, in what at first glance seem to be ordinary settings, feature elements like animals and humans in dream-like scenarios. Grahovsky frees himself from stylistic constraints and makes the process the center of his artistic production, his art is an exploration of intuition and paints for things to happen, unveiling what cannot otherwise be seen.
Through the use of the popular Disney characters like Pluto & Snow White, Oton’s work is a playful yet thought-provoking blend of childlike innocence and societal critique. It skillfully combines opposites, presenting a captivating interplay of humor and social commentary and themes both childlike and adult. These simple, approachable, and childlike elements and language are what draw us closer to his art.
Inspired by masterpieces of the past, Yagües pays tribute to his admiration for these masters in his "The Artists' Assistants" series by referencing and hinting at art history. In this series, the assistants, fully equipped with their ladders and buckets of paint, rush to finish the works of very well-known art masters including Rothko, and Haring, among others. Yagües, who imagines the interior of the head and human body as a place where stories take place and ideas come to life, paints in search of the freest creation with a fresh and casual style and a well-established iconography. His cartoonish characters, tender and full of energy, and his portrayal of surreal situations are influenced by comics, illustration, pop art and street art.
Heavily inspired by the Italian Renaissance, Condes investigates the lineage of traditional figurative sculpture by masters like Leonardo Da Vinci and Giorgio Vasari, and gives it her own twist using contemporary technologies. In her artistic process, she treats metal and wood as though they were bronze and marble.
23 de mayo – 15 de septiembre
Calle del Fúcar, 17
Martes - Sábado, de 11 a 19 horas